The double page spread was the most difficult design to create. this because the design is very detailed and complex. Whereas, the front cover and contents use a bigger JPEG image and less text on the page.
In my opinion, the double page spread is important seen as the article is the main story However, the front cover and contents page are the build up to the double page spread. I have tried to include as many features of a 'fashion magazine as i could'. To show my knowledge of magazine features and how they should be placed on the pages.
The page was made using an 'A4 international paper sized layer'. Then using the 'rotate 90 degrees' tool to turn the page, so that it was landscape, rather than portrait.
To start with, i created a banner at the top of the page. This includes information that an official magazine would use, advertising the brands online web page and persuading the audience to give us feedback by asking them to fill in a survey online. Therefore, in the future 'Essence magazine' can work on making the magazines and articles even better. This was created using the 'rectangle shape tool' and the 'fill tool' to alter the colour of the banner. Then i used the 'type tool' to highlight the text and then change the colour with the colour chart to white. To create contrast with the text and background. the reason i chose to use a deep grey for the background of the text was so that is would create a boldness within the type inside the banner and have a positive contrast with light coloured features used on the page. For instance, the background. Seen as though it's a pale green. A deep grey would work well with this shade.
I decided to make the background of the double page spread a deeper shade of light green to the front cover and contents page. the reason for this, is because the double page spread is a dominant page and includes the most information on it. So, in this case, the page stands out more and makes it a little more exciting than the first two pages. This again, was done using the 'fill tool' to create background colour, by selecting around the page and selecting the shade of colour from the 'colour chart'. Then altering the opacity levels to around about 40% to get that pale green shade.
'Da font' came in useful for my typography used for the text on the page, like the main headline and quotations. i downloaded the font, 'Cast force' for the spread typography. This was used mainly for the bold and intense type that i wanted to stand out. Downloading the font was straight forward by opening it from the 'safari downloads' and then installing it to my downloads on my desktop. Then opening the font in photoshop. So, it would be on my drop down list of typography styles. I also installed the font 'Fabulous_2' from 'Dafont'. This font style is cursive, relating to my theme of fashion. So, i used this for my article, as it is still readable.
I gathered logos from the internet of 'Google images', then dragged them into photoshop. After this, using the 'rectangular marquee tool' or magnetic lasso tool' to select the area of image and then copy and paste from the 'edit' options at the top of Photoshop. In this case, the image would be pasted onto the layer i was working on. So, then i could move onto resizing the image with the ' Free transformation tool', to the size i wanted it on the page.
Catchy quotes are used to persuade the audience into reading the magazine and a long shot of the model is used to show a different style of image to the rest f the magazine. I made a banner at the bottom of the page to advertise a chance to win £1000 worth of shopping vouchers. This links to the theme of my magazine and allows me to advertise the brand's web page, to gain a wider audience. The colour of the banner contrasts with the rest of the magazine page, allowing it to stand out.
The outcome of my double page spread is positive because it includes many features and is persuasive to my audience. The article includes phrases and uses techniques that are in a formal style and in an interviewed style. Making the article look professional and to a high standard. Furthermore, i like how i have used many creative techniques that increase the affect of contrast, textures and intensity through colour. Enabling the spread to be eye-catching.
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