Monday, 31 October 2016

Billboard deconstructions (3)

Here is an example of a 'Fashion Billboard', there a various deconstructions on it which capture the audience's attention and engage them into the brand advertised...

BOLD TITLE- The billboard uses a bold title and it is clear to the audience what band is being advertised. For instance, with this billboard, we can see the brand is 'GUESS'. In addition, title uses upper case typography to stand out, as well as color tone. The colour used in the title is 'gold'. Therefore, this links to the idea of the fashion brand being successful and popular. It could also tell the audience that the brand is well liked. The idea of the black background, allows contrast to be made and the title to be a main focus in the billboard.

IMAGES- The 2 images on the billboard have been shot using high key lighting, allowing vibrancy to be created. Moreover, the composition of the images is interesting because the shot has been taken as a mid-shot, allowing the costume and props to be noticed in the images. the purpose of this is to advertise the products. such as the bags. We can notice the advertised product is a bag because of the way the models are holding the bag. It shows they are passionate about the product and is a good technique of persuading the audience to buy a Guess bag because they look nice.

LOGO- The logo used in the billboard is placed below the Title, so that the audience can recognize what to look for on a 'Guess branded bag'. In addition, the purpose of this is to allow the audience to also recognize other products that are made my 'Guess'. So, in this case, the billboard advertises the brand as well as the advertised product. Making people fascinated by it, in order to buy their fashion products.

Magazine deconstructions


The deconstructions i plan to use for my fashion magazine are the same as the ones above, which i used in my AS Music magazine. Although, i will not include features such as a 'band index' as this does not refer to the idea of fashion. The features i use will grab the audience's attention and persuade them to read the fashion magazine...




recreation of Billboard

My intentions are to recreate this PRADA Fashion billboard using photoshop and considering the use of image and typography, as well as layout when designing the billboard. I will analyze the features of the billboard and why i chose to use them in the recreation...

I have chosen to recreate this pacific billboard analyzed in the previous billboard inspirations post. The reason for this, is because the features on the billboard look simple. Although, there are features used on it that appeal to the target audience, creating a positive impact. I love the use of contrasting colour, bold typography and upper case text used.  This allows vibrancy to be created in the billboard. In addition, the idea of using more than one image on the billboard, gives the audience an idea of the fashion product that is being advertised. In this case, the product would be 'sunglasses'. The use of close up image shots represents this. Therefore, the composition of the photographs have been thought about carefully.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Inspiring billboards


I like this Gucci billboard because it uses soft colour tone that allows contrast to be a positive feature. as well as this, the typography used on the Billboard uses white text, which looks good against the dark colours in the background. furthermore, the lighting used in the billboard is soft and uses the idea of 'High key' photography. Plus, the composition of the billboard is interesting because it has been designed as landscape. so, in this case, it captures the audience's attention.


This Prada Billboard is inspiring because it uses the contrast of light and dark to allow it to be bold and intense. Therefore, the audience recognize this to be important. Furthermore, the billboard uses typography that has style to it and is unique. This connects well to the theme of the billboard being 'Fashion'. In addition, it also expresses the 'creativeness' of fashion. Moreover, i like the idea of the fashion theme being 'Eye wear', as it shows a different style of fashion to clothes. this is because 'PRADA' is more of an accessory fashion based theme. The vibrancy of the billboard is bold and allow it to be eye-catching to the target audience. 


As for this Michel Kors Billboard, i especially like it because it uses pacific tones of brown to create colour tone. From light brown shades to dark brown shades. This creates soft tones and textures throughout the piece. As well as this, the white tones used in the background of the billboard, allow contrast to be created clearly. Therefore, this stands out to the target audience. In addition, the billboard uses a bold, upper case typography. This also creates a positive impact on the billboard.

Inspiring magazines- Elle

Color scheme ideas

This colour chart is useful for selecting contrasting colours that work well together...

 I particually like this use of contrasting colours because it uses both light and dark tones, that allow light and dark colour tones to be made. In my opinion, this will be a good colour scheme for my fashion product because it will create exciting colour tones.

I quite like this colour scheme. Although, i feel these will not create as much of a positive impact as the colour tones analyzed above because they aren't as contrasting and intense. Plus, i am debatable to weather the colour scheme will connect to the idea of fashion or not. As the theme of fashion is exciting and this colour scheme isn't as exciting as the colour tones above.

Further mast head ideas

Further inspirations...

I particularly like the pattern used in the masthead of this 'Asos' magazine. Asos is an online fashion store which has a few stores located around the world. Such as London, Japan and USA. I love the detail the pattern gives off in this design. It makes the masthead look textured and 3D like. It's unique and different to other magazine covers. Therefore, it can be identified. the brown background used allows the white masthead to be a main focus feature. This is important to engage the audience.

As for this fashion magazine masthead, 'Glamour' i love how the mast head allows there model to stand out. It is similar to the previous mast head on the 'Asos' magazine, that it allows a 3D like affect to be made. In addition, the mast head contrasts with the light blue background and allows intensity to be given off. Moreover, the cover is contrasting throughout and it is targeted to a female audience. This is represented in the pink font used for quotes and captions. Overall, with this cover, the mast head is bold and uses upper case typography.

Finally, this vogue magazine cover uses a unique typography style, which is why i find it inspiring. In addition, the font used looks hand written. Therefore, there is an element of creativity within the Mast head. The grey background and white typography combination is inspiring because we can notice soft tones and textures throughout the cover using this technique. This is something i want to consider when designing my fashion magazine, billboard website.

Finally, this 'Bazaar' magazine mast head uses dark and light tones to create contrast between the background and the masthead. I like how the dark background enables the white font to become sharp and bold. In addition, the style of the font is creative and connects to the magazine theme. So, this allows the font to be connected with the magazine and it also shows the audience this idea as well.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Mast head magazine ideas

                                    Inspiring 'Fashion' Magazine Mast heads...

                                     The inspiring mast heads below are fascinating and all have creative     
                                                               elements to them, including;
                                          style, shape, texture, colour tone and contrast...

 To begin with, i love the gold/ bronze affect the colour tone used in this mast head gives off. This allows the masthead to look professional d official. This could represent the idea of 'Vogue' being a popular magazine, appealing to a large national audience. Moreover, it gives off a bold and contrasting affect against the white background. 

As for this 'Bazaar' magazine. I love the intensity it gives off. This creates a high level of contrasting affects and stands out to the audience. the font is in a bright red and in upper case letters. This enables a positive affect to be made for the magazine because the audience will instantly notice the mast head when they look at it. In addition, the black background of the cover, enables the mast head to stand out even more. Referring back to the idea of the mast head giving off am intense affect. 

This 'Elle' magazine mast head is interesting because some of the letters are hidden and disguised. Although, we can still recognise that the mast head mentions the word 'Elle'. The idea of some letters being disguised is fascinating, as it allows the main image to look almost 3D and realistic. The impact this gives towards the audience is positive and it makes the rest of the cover look interesting, as it is linked to the way the features on the cover are laid out. The shape of the font is tall and sharp and has a creative style to it, which is why i like it.

Finally, this 'Marie Claire' magazine mast head is bold and inspiring because it look the main focus of the fashion magazine. I like the idea of the dark coloured background and using white font for the typography used. this creates an increased contrasting affect. allowing the cover to be eye catching towards the target audience. I like the shape of the font used for the mast head because it is unique and has style to it. allowing a positive connection to made towards the theme of the magazine ( fashion).

Monday, 10 October 2016

Recreation of an existing front cover

To begin with, my intentions are to recreate an 'ELLE' fashion magazine cover, using a collection of features and images from the internet. I like the composition of this magazine to the left and therefore, i intend to recreate the magazine. Although, i plan to experiment with color tone and the features i include on the magazine cover.... 


Using photoshop, i created a fashion magazine in the style of the one above, using 'Elle' magazine. In addition, i included elements of colour, typography, such as bold and upper case styled font, as well as use of image, layout consideration. Plus, i also included the use of quotes/phrases that would appeal to the target audience of the fashion magazine...

Using photoshop...

To start with, i created a new A4 international paper sized layer, which allowed me to add image and text. This was useful when designing my magazine. Below is the list of each tool i used in photoshop and how i used it.

Magnetic Lasso tool..

This allowed me to select a pacific area from an image in which i wanted to paste onto the international paper sized layer.

Edit Copy, Edit Paste...

The copy tool allowed me to start the process of copying the selected area with the magnetic lasso tool to the international          paper sized layer 

The paste tool allowed me to finish the copy process by pasting it onto the international paper sized layer.

The eraser tool...

The eraser tool was useful for erasing areas of the magazine design i didn't want. For instance, the areas that were not as clear as others on images and accidental parts of the image selected by the lasso tool that has been paste onto the international paper sized layer.

Brightness and Contrast tool...

The brightness and contrast tool allows you to adjust the level of contrasting colour tones the design gives off. For example, this was useful when adding the final touches to the magazine. Such as, making the magazine cover more vibrant and intense to capture the audience's attention.

Below are the images of the magazine creation throughout the process of recreating the fashion magazine...

To the left is the final outcome of the recreation of the fashion magazine at the top of this post. I have considered the use of bold and vibrant, contrasting colours, in order to capture the audience's attention. in addition the genre target audience for this magazine is  the younger generation. Therefore, it connects well to the style of audience i plan to aim my magazine, billboard and website to.

To begin with, the colour red is dominant in this design and is used in the image and typography. So, in this case, i decided to use a light shade of grey in the background of the cover. This allows the red typography to stand out and contrast. Not only this, it is a shade that will allow many shades of dark font to stand out. As for the style of the typography, i really like the variety of fonts I have used. I used the font styles from the photoshop software to do this. There is a good range of font styles used used. For example, there is upper case bold font used in the Main headline and the quote 'Major Fashion'. and creative style fonts used on the rest of the magazine. The different fonts identity different areas of the cover. Such as, using the models name on the cover, 'Amanda Seyfried'. This is in red typography, connecting to the main image. Plus, its in a completely different style font to the rest of the font used on the front cover. This indicates the phrase is important to the audience.

I have used statistics and facts to engage the audience and thought of these myself, rather than taking them from original magazines. Furthermore, the language used is catchy as well. This is another technique of engaging the audience.

Finally, the composition of the main image is interesting and has been taken as a close up shot. This allows features to stand out and eye contact to be made from the model towards the audience. Again, this engages the audience and makes them feel connected to the magazine. I took this image from google images and used this model, 'Amanda Seyfried' because she is successful and is a high ranked female in the celebrity industry.

Overall, i am pleased with the process of recreating a magazine, using my own ideas and the internet. as well as the use of photoshop. I feel confident that the process of designing this has gave me an increase in skills on designing fashion magazines, rather than music magazines.

Comparison of National and Regional magazines


To begin with national magazines consist of many features that are bold, vibrant and contrasting. Usually, national magazines are unique and have their own style font and typography, as well as layout. So, in this case, the magazine can be identified. In addition, fashion magazines usually include catchy phrases and quotes that emphasize the idea of fashion. Furthermore, this is a technique of engaging the audience into reading the magazine as it sounds exciting. The color scheme is intense in a national fashion magazine, allowing the page to stand out. Lastly, the masthead is usually eye catching and enables the audience to instantly notice this.


As for regional magazines, the features are less effective. The reason behind this, is because regional magazines, attract a smaller number of audience and therefore, there is less public to engage into the reading the magazine. Plus, the magazine will be more commonly known in the local area because it is published to that pacific location being a city or town. The contrasting affects used on regional magazines aren't as intense. This almost identifies that the magazine isn't as successful as national magazines and doesn't appeal to a wide audience, which is why the magazine has not reached national standard because of it's local audience range. On the other hand, with regional magazines, we have to consider that they are targeted to a local audience. So, their intentions aren't to reach a national standard and target a national audience. So, they are reaching their target goals and purpose of a 'regional magazine'. 

Friday, 7 October 2016

Regional magazine example- 'TIMES NORTH EAST'

As for this 'Times magazine, i selected this pacific one to analyse because it's totally different to the 'Vogue' magazine cover. So in this case, there is a clear contrast between them which i can compare. As well as this, the regional and national magazines have oppressive outlooks towards features. therefore, i feel i can discuss this idea and compare/ contrast them both.